Looking For Alaska | John Greene | Book Review

"I was born into Bolivar's labyrinth, and so I must believe in the hope of Rabelais' Great Perhaps. " 
- John Greene, Looking For Alaska


Looking For Alaska Book Review


Book Description 

Looking for Alaska is John Greene’s first novel. The book traces the lives of a group of teenagers of Culver Creek Boarding School. It begins with Miles Halter as he leaves his calm-and-predictable life at home to find “the Great Perhaps” at the crazy yet brilliant school. There he meets Alaska Young, a gorgeous, clever, funny, and completely crazy girl who draws Mike into his “Great Perhaps”. But before everything can settle, their lives suddenly change.  

Book Review 

The book is spectacularly beautiful. I had this feeling after finishing it that I cannot totally comprehend. It is, undoubtedly, one of the most realistic novels I’ve ever read. There is so much happening through the story line. You can feel the adventure, humor, exhilaration, sadness that each of the characters experience. The book is like a whole bunch of emotions.

Personally, the story has some elements that I can relate to. (Not to mention how much I was missing my roommates, my college campus, and bunch of other things!) This is a book about friendship, love, heartbreak, and the labyrinth of life. Quite unexpectedly, to be honest, this novel has become so close to my heart. 


The book is exceptionally simple yet emotional.. Plus, it has some amazing quotes, apparently last words, of great personalities. 


Once again, the book is emotional. And it can seem a bit typical of young adult novels at some places.

Who Can Read It? 

If you are someone who does not enjoy deeply emotional contents or characters, then you may not enjoy it much, but I guess it’ll be okay-ish. And if you LOVE young adult novels with lots of fun, adventure and sadness, then Looking For Alaska is for you!



Until next time.


Looking For Alaska Quotes
Looking For Alaska Quotes


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