A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOFAS) | Sarah J. Maas | Book Review

"And this holiday tomorrow, this chance to celebrate being together, living…”


acofas book review

A Court of Frost and Starlight Book Review

ACOFAS, the fourth book in the ACOTAR series, follows the aftermath of the war with Hybern. It focuses on the lives of the characters as they cope & recover from the horrors of war, and traces the not-so-stable political situation of Prythian. And even as conflicts are raising their heads, the promise to a new beginning holds still in the lives of (most of) the characters. [Nesta is going downhill and Tamlin is pathetic, and at some point I even feel sorry for him].

A Court of Frost and Starlight is basically a book that is unnecessary to the storyline, but yet essential, especially significant in the context of character development. There are so many themes and emotions in this book – most prominently the contrasting themes of life & death, happiness & sorrow, hope & despair – and everything in between.

ACOFAS feels like an ending – a closure to the saga – and also like a teaser. I haven’t yet read A Court of Silver Flames but it seems like ACOFAS is mostly an attempt to bridge the gap between Feyre & Rhysand’s narrative and Nesta & Cassian’s narrative.

(If you have already read ACOSF then please let me know if I’m wrong.)

Happy reading!


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P.S. You can also check out the reviews of the previous books in the series!




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